Community Message from Superintendent Dr. Doug Domene

Dear PYLUSD Community,

It is nearly impossible to put into words what I want to say as I write to you today as this is an altogether heartbreaking and challenging time in the life of our school district.

While there are many things we cannot understand about the life that was lost at El Dorado High School Monday, there are indeed things to know and to remember. Jillian Jacobson was a very talented and inspirational teacher and colleague. Her life had an impact on all who knew her.

We are committed to providing encouragement and care for students, staff and all members of the El Dorado community in any way we possibly can. It was deeply gratifying yesterday to see the special support offered by the PYLUSD community, our local fire and police agencies, as well as outside support organizations and churches throughout Placentia and Yorba Linda.

This support has continued today and will continue throughout the weeks to come. Each and every day, but especially at a time like this, our students need to know how much they matter to us, that they were born with a destiny to positively impact each other and their world. We, as a district, stand firm in our resolve to do all we can to equip our students for success now and into the future.

Students and staff alike, at El Dorado and across the PYLUSD, thank you for your heartfelt support, your commitment and your encouragement. I am incredibly grateful for, and proud of, each and every one of you.

Additional assistance is available through the With

Hope Foundation, which is dedicated to suicide prevention through

improving mental health support services and education in our

schools and throughout our community. To access the resources they provide,

simply click on the link below.
