Students from Sierra Vista, led by the GLEE Club (Great Leaders Everyday in Every Way), collected over 1000 canned and packaged food items for the PYLUSD McKinney Vento Food Pantry! They held a competition between all classrooms, and the third grade students from Mrs. Page's class won! Congratulations! The event was led by GLEE Club leaders, Mrs. Hendry and Mrs. Gifford. Jon Matson, district McKinney Vento liaison, showed up to thank and collect the items from the hard working students. Thank you so much for all of your efforts Sierra Vista! <br><br>The McKinney Vento Food Pantry provides food to families in our district who are experiencing homelessness or are living in transition. If you'd also like to donate to our food pantry, please contact Jon Matson at 714-986-7028, at the Assessment Center.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program