Assessment and Accountability
Every year, PYLUSD administers a variety of exams to students throughout the district to gather information about academic performance and content mastery. Collectively, this process and these exams are called the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress.
Please navigate the tabs on the right hand menu to get a more detailed understanding of:
- How school and district performance is reported on the California School Dashboard
- The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress system (CAASPP)
- The Smarter Balanced Assessments that test 3rd-8th and 11th graders in the content areas of English Language Arts and Math (SBAC)
- The California Science Test given to 5th, 8th and 11th/12th graders (CAST)
- The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California given to students whose primary language is not English (ELPAC)
- The California Alternate Assessment given to students with significant cognitive disabilities (CAA)
As a data-driven organization, PYLUSD examines the results of these and other student outcomes to update our action plans to improve our schools.
Information about our schools and their performance are reported in School Accountability Report Cards. These are published and linked on this web page.
Every school in California is required to develop a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) each year. The SPSA must demonstrate how schools will utilize state and federal funding to improve student academic performance. These are published and linked on this web page.