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News Coverage - Real Orange television news segment
Added Oct 21, 2014
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the happening place for all the yards happening in the OC and sponsor of the annual imagination celebration real largest next on PBS so coming up lacenterschools use hundreds of millions in bonds and stimulus funds to reinvent the way classrooms work can you draw Belinda will take a look at some of the Roblox I could keep the Sacramento Kings from making a royal visit to Anaheim thanks majonica sign bed Arnold helps us handle the stress of tax season nation and modernization story planning and preparing getting ready for the day placentia-yorba Linda unified could morph into the 21st century walk around the school district years ago and this is what it looked like the classrooms could be on display at the Smithsonian but today after a decade of fundraising on the local state and federal levels the schools in the district look like this the massive district-wide renovation really began to take shape back in 2002 that's when voters passed nearly 400 dollars worth of school bonds and that's when the cranes and construction Crews were first put to work the bonds yield in millions of dollars of matching funds from the state voters okay to 200 million dollars in school bonds and we ask the community that and they responded Yes But was it a tough sell anytime that you're asking people to go in play their own pocket that's a tough sell what into the idea of improving education even though it would cost money and it took a chance on the new plan the result new middle schools buildings libraries Labs auditoriums gymnasiums and sports Fields New Pools classrooms new everything but it's the classroom strict is so proud of interactive classrooms and every school with new computers sound systems LCD projectors Interactive whiteboards teach your workstations just to name a few and how then does it work play me some every single one of our 1100 classrooms and allows the students to text in their answers this was just on a pool that was just done on this ticket one what it was a true-false question what we have here is a document camera and basically overhead we also have a microphone which is right here next we have a number speaker set around the room is that many of us remember or gone forever now all the nearly 30,000 students in the district 35 schools have amenities you'd find on a university camp the district prove to its community and to the state that this almost impossible project was a good risk the district also made its case to the federal government qualify to have some of the interest on the school bonds paid for by funds from the stimulus program just as it was to take care of the next several generations of students and I can't think of a better investment people were put to work and we have facility that will educate kids agree now you want to make the school better now you want to make the community better you want to make yourself better support their schools and they believe in the schools and what they did see for that are schools needed help but sure got that help in Placentia David is our reporting alright time now to check out counties bottom line joining us not to talk about the state of our economy well and I have some good news today what's the latest National jobs report we had over 200,000 jobs created and that was good enough to take the unemployment rate nationally down to lowest it's been in more than two years 8.8% from 8.9
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