Bring Your Own Device
Starting in 2015-2016 the PYLUSD will allow students to bring their own device for use during the instructional day. Strict guidelines will be put in place to ensure student's appropriate use of technology during class time.
The PYLUSD believes that a device in the hands of students provides additional learning opportunities that allow students to have real world experience, critical thinking, and cooperative learning.
The opportunity to guide the use of the device will originate with the individual classroom teacher, so there will inevitably be differences within each classroom. Common uses will be research, note taking, formative assessment, and projects, but with new web based tools, the possibilities are unending.
The device the students brings must meet some minimum requirements:
It must be able to run Google Chrome and it must be able to join the PYLUSD wireless network. The program is completely optional. No student will be required to bring a device nor will they endure any consequence for not having a device. The device may be a laptop, tablet, or smart phone. The device must use the district network while on school grounds.
Below, please find the PYLUSD Network/Internet Acceptable Use Agreement and an Information Guide to BYOD for parents and students in the PYLUSD. You will also find the instructions to help your student connect to the district wireless network.
The PYLUSD is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen devices.