Employee Health Benefits » Anthem Life Insurance

Anthem Life Insurance

An Anthem $50,000 life insurance plan is provided for all District benefit eligible employees, during their active employment.
Beneficiary information is captured during the open enrollment process.
If you would like to update your beneficiary information mid-year, please use the attached form and send the original form to Risk Management. Once the form is received it will then supersede all previous beneficiary forms.
Please read the Benefit Summary and Resource Advisor forms below for additional benefits under this plan. (e.g. Stress, Parenting, Anxiety, Travel Assistance, Online Will Tool, and much more).
NOTE: This policy is portable. You have the right to convert the group policy to a personal policy within 31 days of either your termination or retirement from PYLUSD. Please see the attached conversion information, conversion application, and conversion rate sheet below.
For retirement account beneficiaries please contact CalSTRS or CalPERS directly.