Employee Health Benefits » NEED HELP? - Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Medical Resources & Kaiser Mental Health Support

NEED HELP? - Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Medical Resources & Kaiser Mental Health Support

To All PYLUSD employees:


The Anthem EAP is available to ALL PYLUSD employees and their household family members, at no cost. It does not exclude Kaiser members or non-benefited employees.


Your MENTAL HEALTH and WELLBEING are IMPORTANT! If you need crisis counseling or resources, please contact the EAP. Call the EAP at 1-800-999-7222. Counselors are available to help you 24/7.


If you are experiencing a suicidal crisis or emotional distress, call the NATIONAL SUICIDE AND CRISIS LIFELINE - CALL 988 or 1-800-273-8255 OR the ORANGE COUNTY SUICIDE PREVENTION CRISIS LINE at 1-877-727-4747


For Additional Resources, Please Click this link - Counseling, Wellness, and Mental Health Resources


Help can be accessed for many issues or concerns including emotional well-being, managing stress, depression, domestic violence, addiction and recovery, and many other topics. The EAP can also assist with consumer issues, elder/child care, estate planning, divorce/custody issues, and more.


TALKSPACE - Please read the Talkspace flyer below. Talkspace is a service available to all PYLUD employees and the family members who reside in your home. It provides confidential counseling by text, audio, or video - whatever way is right for you.


Anthem EAP can be accessed 24/7 for anyone who may need support at 800-999-7222 or www.anthemEAP.com. Log in with the company name "SISC." You will need this name to access the website.


***All information reported to the EAP is private and will not be reported to PYLUSD***


You may access mental health services through any PYLUSD Medical Plan. Please call the customer service number on your medical benefits card or you can review the benefits on the summary for your plan at Medical Plan Summaries


Learn to Live Program - Members can receive individualized support to help them live the happiest, healthiest life. (see the flyer below).


Highlights of Learn to Live:

  • Personalized, one-on-one coaching: Members team up with an experienced coach who can provide support and encouragement by email, text, or phone.
  • Build a support team: Members can add friends or family members as “teammates”. They can help each other stay motivated and accountable while working through programs.
  • Practice mindfulness on the go: Members receive weekly text messages filled with positivity, quick tips, and exercises to improve their mood. 
  • Live and on-demand webinars: Members learn how to improve mental well-being with useful tips and advice from experts.  

Kaiser Permanente has made accessing mental health benefits even easier. They have implemented a single, easy-to-remember phone number: 1-833-KP-WITH-U (or 1-833-579-4848) for members seeking mental health care appointments.

Members can book mental health appointments during standard operating hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PT) and do not need an active referral prior to calling.  (Please note: Local medical center area phone numbers will continue to remain active for the foreseeable future.)

The phone number is now live and has been updated as a resource on either kp.org or at  Mental Health web page.


NAMI ORANGE COUNTY - Free and confidential telephone service providing emotional support and resources to Orange County residents. Call or text 714-991-6412.