Math Placement
The Board of Education believes that a sound educational program must include the study of subjects that prepare students for admission to higher education and/or a fulfilling career. To the extent possible, district students shall be provided an opportunity to complete a sequence of mathematics courses recommended for admission into the University of California and California State University systems. To that end, PYLUSD has developed assessments that provide multiple data points to ensure that students are appropriately placed in mathematics courses.
Please note, high school classes may not be skipped. Algebra I is a high school graduation requirement per the state of California. This course must appear on a middle school or high school transcript to fulfill the requirement.
Math Placement - New to the District
From a California School
Official transcripts from the prior school will be used to determine placement following our district pathways and placement criteria. Please have official transcripts sent to the school as soon as this school year concludes.
From outside California
Students from other states or countries will need to test. Please have official transcripts sent as soon as the school year concludes.
Please review the Math Pathways and Placement slides below along with the Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.
Should you have any additional questions not answered the slides or FAQ's, please complete the attached Math Placement Inquiry Form.