Program Description
Athletics are an integral part of the high school co-curricular program. The Board of Education establishes as the goals of this activity the development of proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, teamwork, specialized physical skills and experience in competitive situations. In attaining these goals, the program must promote and emphasize the physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well-being of the players, those participating in supporting activities, and the spectators.
For information about the athletic programs at each school, please click on the relevant link below.
Athletic Director: Ray Elliott
Athletic Directors: Matt Slevcove and Keri Walters
Athletic Director: Gerardo Rodriguez
Athletic Directors: Jeff Platt

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility Information
The NCAA is a national organization of consisting of participating colleges. The organization governs the collegiate athletics that includes 460,000 student athletes. Resources for potential collegiate athletes are listed below.
Click here to view NCAA approved courses for your school