Rose Drive Elementary Shows Generosity

• Sofia Giordano,
• Brooke Drysen,
• Heather Fouts,
• Jaylee Pietsch,
• Belle Davidson,
• Carlee Davidson,
• Rachel Kirchner,
• Emma Ramos,
• Alexandra Ho,
• Jazmine Ho,
• Maybry Helms,
• Ruth Jacob, and
• Madison Repcik.

Planning for this event was no easy feat--requiring the girls to provide plenty of forethought as well as allowing time and patience for sufficient hair growth. Joining the girls in donating their hair were three Rose Drive staff members, Ms. PerrTeacher (event organizer), Mrs. Cook, and Mrs. Fregoso as well as one very brave dad, Mr. Fouts. Participants were placed in the very capable hands of our six stylists, who graciously donated their time for this morning. Sustenance was provided in the form of donated snacks and coffee, compliments of local Yorba Linda businesses.

All hair donations were submitted directly to Locks of Love (, a not-for-profit organization that provides the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children with medical hair loss. Most recipients have lost their hair due to an auto-immune condition known as alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. Others have suffered severe burns, radiation treatment, or any number of dermatological conditions resulting in long term or permanent hair loss.

Thank you to all of you for your participation in this worthy and most necessary cause. Your thoughtful donations will go a long way to helping young children feel more like themselves again. We commend your generosity and courage.