Deferred Action (Immigration)
Deferred Action (Immigration)
Placentia-Yorba Linda USD can help with your Deferred Action (Immigration) paperwork. For a student who is enrolled and attending a PYLUSD school, all records for all schools that he/she attended within our district can be obtain from the school he/she is currently attending. Former students of PYLUSD may obtain all their schools records from the Records Department or by, filling out, mailing or faxing the form below. Immigration requests are processed in the order they are received.
El distrito escolar de Placentia-Yorba Linda le puede ayudar con los papeles de immigración. Estudiantes que están registrados y asistiendo a una escuela en nuestro distrito, pueden obtener todos los documentos de todas las escuelas que el/ella asistió en nuestro distrito de la escuela donde está asistiendo actualmente. Estudiantes que ya han salido de PYLUSD pueden obtener todos sus domumentos del Departamento de Records o llenando, madando por correo o por fax el formulario al fín de esta página.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact:
Sally Scarberry
Records Department
Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District
1301 E. Orangethorpe Ave.
Placentia CA, 92870
714 985-8762
To send request:
Fax: 714 577-7009
Email: [email protected]