Middle School and High School Music
Middle School Music Opportunities
Click Here to Meet the Middle School Music Teachers
Bernardo Yorba Middle School
Kraemer Middle School
Travis Ranch Middle School
Tuffree Middle School
Valadez Middle School
Yorba Linda Middle School
New Music Classes
Your world of music options is about to open up. In addition to the familiar classes of band, strings, and vocal music, there are many new music groups and classes you can try!
Jazz band, percussion ensemble, advanced groups, marching band, and more! Contact your middle school's music teacher to find out specifics for your upcoming school.
Theme Parks
You read that right: THEME PARKS! In middle school, you actually get to leave school some days and perform music at some really cool places: Knott's Berry Farm, music festivals and competitions, sometimes even Disneyland!
Get ready for some epic field trips.
Try a new instrument!
Like doing music, but want to change it up a bit? Try a new instrument or a new class! Middle school has tons of new instruments: oboe, horn, bass clarinet, tuba...and much more!
Switch from violin to bass, or trade in your trumpet for a french horn. Did you like that really cool bari-saxophone you saw at the concert? Now you get to play it.
High School Music Opportunities
Click below to see more of each program.