Dual Language Academy Home
The Spanish Dual Language Academy begins at Glenview Elementary School in Anaheim and matriculates to the Orange County School of Computer Science in Yorba Linda.
Learn more about each program through the following information and webpages. Please also visit https://sites.google.com/pylusd.org/dlabyms/home to read about OCSCS's program.

Glenview Elementary School
There is no better way to provide students the 21st-century skills they need to be college and career-ready than to give them the gift of languages. Students in dual language immersion programs develop as bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural learners who thrive academically. Knowing other languages and understanding other cultures gives students the ability to maintain their sense of wonder and curiosity, to cultivate their emotional intelligence, and helps to prepare them to participate as productive citizens in a global society.
Program Advantages
- Research shows that students who learn two languages perform better in school.
- Students learn in an ethnically, culturally, and linguistically integrated environment.
- Students will be prepared for future opportunities in international business, marketing, publishing, and many more as a result of their biliteracy.
DLA Elementary Parent Handbook
If you have questions about the Dual Language Academy at Glenview Elementary School, please contact Mr. Christopher Losoya, at (714) 986-7150 or [email protected].

The 2023-24 school year has students in 7th grade participating in the Dual Language Academy. We are proud to be able to offer our students in our Dual Language Academy three classes in Spanish! Our students will have the opportunity for their continual development in Spanish in three classes each year. Each year students will take a Spanish Language Arts class which will further develop their skills in Spanish. Additionally, students will have their Social Science class taught in Spanish. Last but not least, students will also take their Science class in Spanish. Their Social Science and Science classes will cover the same curriculum taught in English. Students will take these three classes both years in Spanish:
For more information about the three 7th grade DLA classes currently being taught, please click on the links below:
Details about the 8th grade courses that will be taught starting in the 2024-25 school year will be published as they are available.