Certificate of Insurance Requests
If the District's insurance is required by a venue, and a Certificate of Insurance (COI) is needed, please email your request to Monica Robinson at [email protected], two weeks before the event. The COI will be returned to the employee requesting the COI and it is that employee's responsibility to forward the COI to the venue.
If an additional insured (AI) endorsement is also requested, a signed agreement or contract, signed by Mr. Gary Stine, Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services, must be included with your request.
Information Required:
- Event Start and End Date
- Name of the Requested COI Holder and Address
- Full Description of the Event (including location, and other identifying information)
- Venue's Written Insurance Requirements
- Does the Venue Require an AI Endorsement
- Name, Site, Phone Number, and Email Address of the Employee Requesting the COI
- Signed Contract (if applicable)
NOTE - A COI cannot be issued for any event sponsored by a school-connected organization (e.g., Boosters, PTA).
Please contact Monica Robinson at 714-985-8780 if you have any questions.