Expenditure Reports
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant
The Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant (LREBG) was established in response to the emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to assist schools serving pupils in the long-term recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, including addressing pupil learning, mental health, and overall well-being. The LREBG allocates $6,800,050,000 to local educational agencies (LEAs), including county offices of education, school districts, and charter schools beginning Fiscal Year (FY) 2022–23 through 2027–28. Click the link to view the submitted LREBG GMART Report 2022-2024.
Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO) Grant
During the 2020-21 school year, the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) received Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant funds. The purpose of these funds is to provide supplemental instruction and support to students, including those identified as needing academic, social-emotional, and other supports. The ELO Grant funds may only be expended for the following seven supplemental and support strategies: (1) Extending instructional learning time, (2) Accelerating progress to close learning gaps, (3) Integrated pupil supports, (4) Community learning hubs, (5) Supports for credit deficient pupils, (6) Additional academic services, and (7) Training for school staff. The plan below outlines how PYLUSD is expending the ELO grant funds.
2021 PYLUSD Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant
Prop 28 Plan
The implementation of Prop 28 funding in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District has led to significant improvements, particularly in music education. The addition of new teachers and support staff, along with the acquisition of necessary educational resources, has greatly enhanced the learning environment. The district’s commitment to providing weekly music instruction for all K-6 students underscores the importance of a comprehensive education that includes the arts. Looking ahead, PYLUSD will continue to use Prop 28 funding to bolster and broaden educational programs, ensuring that every student receives a high-quality education that equips them for future success.
As a requirement of Proposition 28—The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Fund, each local educational agency (LEA) must annually submit reporting and audit requirements. These annual audits of kindergarten through grade twelve are conducted in accordance with California Education Code (EC) Section 41020 and shall include funds received and distributed by the LEA pursuant to Proposition 28. They shall include a determination of whether the funds were expended pursuant to statutory requirements.
As a prerequisite for the receipt of AMS funds, each LEA is obligated to fulfill the following conditions on an annual basis:
As a requirement of Proposition 28—The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Fund, each local educational agency (LEA) must annually submit reporting and audit requirements. These annual audits of kindergarten through grade twelve are conducted in accordance with California Education Code (EC) Section 41020 and shall include funds received and distributed by the LEA pursuant to Proposition 28. They shall include a determination of whether the funds were expended pursuant to statutory requirements.
As a prerequisite for the receipt of AMS funds, each LEA is obligated to fulfill the following conditions on an annual basis:
- Certify that all funds will be used to provide arts education programs and that funds expended in the prior fiscal year were, in fact, used for those purposes, except as provided in 3. The certification shall also ensure that at least 80 percent of funds to be expended will be used to employ certificated or classified employees to provide arts education program instruction and that the remaining funds will be used for training, supplies and materials, and arts educational partnership programs, unless a waiver of this requirement has been granted. (Information can be found at this link)
- Certify that such funds received will be used to supplement funding for arts education programs and that funds expended in the prior fiscal year were, in fact, used to supplement arts education programs. (Information can be found at this link)
- Certify that no more than 1 percent of funds received will be used for an LEA’s administrative expenses, including indirect costs, to implement this chapter and that funds received in the prior fiscal year were, in fact, used within that limit. (Information can be found at this link)
- Submit an annual board- or body-approved report in a manner determined by the Superintendent, that shall be posted on the LEA’s and the California Department of Education’s (CDE’s) internet websites and details the type of arts education programs funded by the program; the number of full-time equivalent teachers, classified personnel, and teaching aides; the number of pupils served; and the number of school sites providing arts education programs with those funds. (Information can be found at this link)