Human Resources » Retirement Process

Retirement Process

Before starting the actual retirement process, you are encouraged to participate in the CalSTRS Webinars (certificated employees) or CalPERS Webinars (classified employees) to educate yourself about the retirement process and calculate your anticipated retirement benefits.

1) Submit the Retirement/Resignation Form to the Human Resources Department - this letter must be submitted before you complete any of the following steps
2) PYLUSD Health Benefits
b) Contact Risk Management at (714) 985-8476 to discuss your benefit options if you are over 65 years old.
c) Information for retirees ages 55-65, click on the link below for benefit information and forms.
3) PYLUSD Payroll
a) Certificated employees, complete and return the CalSTRS Express Benefit Report to Payroll to report unused Sick Leave.
b) Classified employees, unused Sick Leave is automatically reported to CalPERS by Payroll.