Health Services » District School Nurses

District School Nurses

PYLUSD Health Services Staff
Michelle DeHaven, BSN, RN, PHN, NCSN
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20315
Fax: (714) 996-2943
Administrator, Health Services
Coordination of Health Clerks
Coordination of Nurses
Home Hospital Instruction Administrator
El Camino Real High School
Buena Vista/Parkview
Lori Bultsma, BSN, RN
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20021
Fax: (714) 996-2943
George Key School / Venture Academy
Golden Elementary School
Amy Kliner, BSN, RN
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20022
Fax: (714) 996-2943
Sierra Vista Elementary School
Glenknoll Elementary School
Wagner Elementary School
Jennifer Lopez, BSN, RN, PHN 
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20312
Fax: (714) 996-2943
Brookhaven Elementary School 
Rose Drive Elementary School 
Van Buren Elementary School
Woodsboro Elementary School
Esperanza High School 

Morgan Lopez, BSN, RN

Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20018
Fax: (714) 996-2943
Bryant Ranch School
Melrose Elementary School  
Tuffree Middle School
Kraemer Middle School 
Yorba Linda Middle School
Patti Nitzel, BSN, RN, PHN 
Phone: (714) 986-7190 ext. 53058
Fax: (714) 986-7037 
Glenview Elementary School
Lakeview Elementary School 
Mabel Paine Elementary School 
Tynes Elementary School 
El Dorado High School
Whitney Norrbom, BSN RN
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20316
Fax: (714) 996-2943
[email protected] 
Ruby Drive Elementary School
Gina Santangelo, RN MSN CPNP
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20313
Fax: (714) 996-2943
Linda Vista Elementary School
Elise Saylors, BSN, RN, PHN, NCSN 
Phone: (714) 986-7190 ext. 53054   
Fax: (714) 986-7037
Fairmont Elementary
Travis Ranch School 
Yorba Linda High School 
Edith Sperling, MSN, RN, PHN
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20314
Fax: (714) 996-2943
Morse Elementary School 
Rio Vista Elementary School 
Topaz Elementary School 
Valadez Middle School Academy
Valencia High School
Secretarial Support: 
Beth Pilgrim 
Health Services Senior Clerk
Phone: (714) 996-1551 ext. 20017
Fax: (714) 996-2943