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  • CAG is the state organization for the state of California. They are involved at the local, state, national, and international levels, implementing research-based training in differentiation and advocating to help ensure that the academic and affective needs of gifted learners are met.
  • NAGC staff and leaders support and develop policies and practices that encourage and respond to the diverse expressions of gifts and talents in children and youth from all cultures, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic groups. NAGC supports and engages in research and development, staff development, advocacy, communication, and collaboration with other organizations and agencies who strive to improve the quality of education for all students.
  • SENG is dedicated to fostering environments in which gifted adults and children, in all their diversity, understand and accept themselves and are understood, valued, nurtured, and supported by their families, schools, workplaces and communities.
  • The Orange County Council for Gifted and Talented Education (OCC GATE), a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is a consortium that holds networking meetings for district GATE coordinators, university liaisons, and CAG representatives. Its purpose is to provide support for member districts in strengthening GATE programs and services.
  • AAGC is an advocacy organization and collaborates with other research groups at Duke and with the Exceptional Children Division of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to carry out the mission and goals of the organization. AAGC is currently collaborating with a new center on Research Education and Development of Youth (REDY) and local school districts to conduct research on a Javits Education Nurturing Program to close the achievement gap and to increase identification of students for gifted programs from underserved groups.
  • The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc. (WCGTC) is a worldwide non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents, and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of all ages.